Ethics & Attitudes
(405) 514-6720
Ethics & Attitudes
(405) 514-6720

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Get The Best Training With Ethics & Attitudes.

General Overview

Our training works with the following areas:

  • Building Relationships
  • Decisions and Consequences
  • Evaluating Good and Bad Attitudes
  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • Failure and Getting Back up
  • A Culture of Ethics Thrives
  • Discrimination
  • Reasons for Human Error
  • Effectively Managing Social Media

We would be delighted that you chose us to work with during your ethics training. We take your interest in our program seriously and look forward to serving your organization or company in the near future.

Our ethics training has been developed to help organizations direct their members to work together in an ethical fashion to get the best results for all within the organization.

Training Contents

“Pursuing Right Conduct”

•Standards for Consistency
Right standards promote consistency

•Standards for Confidence
Consistency inspires confidence in people

•Standards for Commitment
Confidence encourages a commitment to do right

Right Standards Lead to Right Actions!

Training Overview

Part 1 – Ethics For Decisions, Communication and Relationships

Standards of Ethics

How do we know if our words,actions and attitudes are right or wrong? Measure them by a set of standards that define what is right such as:

  • Honesty vs. Deceit
  • Responsibility vs. Unreliability

This chart shows what happens when standards usage is inconsistent.

Major Reasons for Human Error

1. Standards are unclear, impractical, or nonexistent Standards Failure

2. Standards exist but are not known, or ways to achieve them are not known Training Failure

3. Standards are known but are not enforced Leadership Failure

4. Standards are known but are not followed Individual Failure

Adapted from United States Military Academy at West Point

Three Reasons People Do What is Right

  1. Fear – Perhaps the fear is getting caught.
  1. Reward – Perhaps the reward is money.
  1. It Is Right – The reason must be it is right.

Decisions Have Consequences

This session helps us understand decisions and outcomes. It is important to think through our decisions.

Good decisions = good outcomes but poor decisions can hurt people and organizations.

Appreciation and Recognition

Showing appreciation is showing you care. People frequently do good things which can be easily overlooked. This session shows how to effectively recognize and give value to someone.

Part 2 – Attitudes and Workplace Issues

Attitudes Affect Performance and Relationships

The attitude sections involve evaluating positive, mediocre and negative attitudes. Attitudes also affect emotions, morale and culture.

Dilemma of Social Media

Social media can work as a positive or a negative for organizations. Ethics plays an important part in handling social media. How it is used can improve or worsen productivity, finances and reputation.

The Crippling Effects of Discrimination

Illegal and immoral discrimination reduces the dignity and fair treatment of any individual or group of people. Standards must be established and followed to help prevent prejudice and promote justice.

Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and drug abuse are causing serious issues for organizations. This session approaches the problem from causes to solutions using ethical standards and proper decision making.

Failure and Getting Back Up

At times, ethical failure is inevitable in all of us. We give specific ways to respond after failure and restore relationships and trust from others.

A Culture of Ethics Thrives

Organizations that establish standards of ethics and operate on those standards thrive. People feel good about coming to work because there is consistency, confidence and a commitment to what is right. Everyone benefits with ethics.